Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tune in to Shirley A. Roe on Blog Radio Sat. 21st

Shirley A. Roe will be on www.blogtalkradio.com/Adrienna-Turner on Saturday, Feb. 21st at 9 p.m CST or 10 p.m EST

Shirley will be discussing both Allbooks Review, how to get your book reviewed and promoted for a very reasonable price. As well as her own 3 fiction novels.

The topic of the show is Secrets of Success, everyone tune in.

Monday, February 16, 2009

From Movie City to Music City USA

Script Writing Genre: Self Interest/

Title: From Movie City to Music City USA

Author: Randall Rutledge

Every movie “want-to-be” whether actor, producer, or scriptwriter, should pick up a copy of this book. Filled to overflowing with facts, advice, contact info including phone numbers, and warnings, over 25 years of experience in pursuing the “dream.” Avoid the mistakes that the author has made and learn from his experience.

Randall Rutledge takes readers on a journey that began at the age of 20 when he relocated to Hollywood and started his acting career as an extra. His career progressed during which, he tried assistant casting director, screenplay writer, producer and even songwriter.
The amount of information found between the covers of this book is mind-boggling. Topic such as agents, fees earned, portfolio needs, how to write a resume and even how to get your own Star on the Walk of Fame. This book will soon become the –“New Actor’s Handbook” and should be found in every “want-to-be’s” luggage before hitting the streets of Hollywood or Broadway.
This reviewer cannot say enough about the well written, concise and easy to understand volume of information that this one little book contains.
Highly Recommended by Reviewer: Shirley Roe, Allbooks Review. www.allbookreviews.com
For more information visit the author’s website: www.randallrutledge.com
It will soon also be available from www.amazon.com

Title: From Movie City to Music City USA
Author: Randall Rutledge
Publisher: self
ISBN: 978-0-9821496-0-7
Price: $ 12 ebook, print $17.50

Beyond the Ordinary and more

Genre: Short Stories

Title: Beyond the Ordinary….and more

Author: Haley Adams, Kirsten Bussiere, Leslie Crone, Michael Gertenschtein, Kanishk Goomer, Cletus Kim, Andra Popescu, Annecy Spencer, Guy Tzizis, Emily Wang, and Grace Xie under the direction of Emily-Jane Hills Orford.

Beyond the Ordinary….and more, is a collection of short stories written by young Canadians; stories that depict their history, their delightful ancestry, and some famous Canadian heroes and heroines.

This reviewer cannot give enough praise to these talented young people and their most generous and extraordinary mentor, Emily-Jane Hills Orford. Written in the first person voice of grandfathers and great grandfathers, great and great-great grandmothers, great grandfathers, mothers and fathers, the stories are filled with heartfelt emotion. Haiku and poetry written from a much older soul, than the physical age of the poet, and excellent historical accounts of some of Canada’s famous people and animals will fill the reader with delight.

The colours of a
Sari all swirling around
Impossible to
Tell one dye from another
The colours of my Grandma
The colours of a Sari by Kanishk Goomer pg. 11

Colours of a history, colours of a country and colours of Canadians all swirl around, impossible to tell one from the other: The colours of Canada. Well done my young friends, I shall look for much more from you in the future. Beyond the Ordinary, indeed!
Five out of five stars-Highly Recommended by reviewer: Shirley Roe, Allbooks Reviews www.allbookreviews.com

For more information visit: www3.sympatico.ca or email: ejomusic@sympatico.ca

Title: Beyond the Ordinary….and more
Author: Student members of Association for Bright Children, Ottawa Region
Publisher: Baico Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-897449-45-5
Pages: 91
Price: $12.95 CDN