Monday, November 9, 2009

Someone Stop This Merry-Go-Round

Genre: Memoirs/Health

Authors: Alberta H. Sequeira

‘Warning,’ due to the graphic nature of this story……………………

This potent memoir is about Alberta Sequeira, her husband, Richie Lopes and their daughters, Debbie and Lori. Taking a quick glance at the family photos included, one might assume they look like the typical, small town, picture perfect family. A memoir that reads like a horror story, when the nightmare could no longer be contained behind closed doors.

Richie, had become an alcoholic, which is a disease affecting millions of people. Sadly, most of us will at some time, know or love someone with this demon. Alcoholism, predominantly hereditary, is always life altering, not just to the victim but the family and friends too.

As the disease progresses, behavioral changes begin. These changes happen slowly, so at first they are overlooked, suddenly they become unmanageable. The alcoholic is in a constant state of confusion, decision making becomes catastrophic, confidence disappears, their job suffers along with their health, and denial is prevalent. Nothing is as important as that drink, and the temporary escape they believe it will provide. Worse than not having a drink, is facing the inevitable physical and emotional withdrawal.

Richie had become physically abusive while suffering blackouts. In her many valiant attempts to keep their family together, Alberta endured in silence for a long time. She watched this well respected, easy- going man, that she still loved and had based her future on, deteriorate to the point of no return. Always shattering his promise to quit drinking cost him his business, accumulated unpaid bills, brought the threat of losing their home to the government, their marriage shattered and finally cost him his life. He was 45 years old.

The author, Alberta Sequeira, proves to us that life can move on, and she has. Now married to Al Sequeira, living in Rochester MA, she draws strength from his loving support, as well as from her daughter, Debbie. They courageously keep the painful memories from the past open, their goal is hope! Hope, that by reading their gut wrenching story, it will somehow reach and help other families battle this demon. Her desire to help people, has propelled Alberta, not only to write, but she is a frequent speaker at rehabs, or any organization working towards understanding the effects of alcoholism. Showing her battle strength again, she has promised us a sequel next spring, into the years following Richie Lope’s demise and the path Lori stumbled into.

This honest, truthful insight into alcoholism, written with the best of intentions, is well presented and although sad, her purpose is fully delivered and I highly recommend it. Reviewer: Cheryl Ellis, Allbooks Review
Available through or your local bookseller.

Title: Someone Stop This Merry-Go-Round
Authors: Alberta Sequeira
Publisher: Infinity Publishing
ISBN-13: 9780741454157
Pages: 344
Price: US$18.95 October 2009

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