Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Allbooks Review December 2009 Newsletter

Season’s Greetings to all

Nominate us for a listing in Writer's Digest's 101 Best Sites
of The Year. Please send your nomination, along with our web
name Allbooks Review and our URL www.allbookreviews.com

to: writersdig@fwpubs.com Subject "101 Sites".

Thank you for all of your support.
ALLBOOKS REVIEW IS NOW ON iFOGO. Be sure and join the Albooks Review Author’s Group where we can share our success and our mistakes.

Authors! There’s Power and Profit when you get FREE Publicity
by Kathleen Gage The Street Smarts Speaker and Author

One of the greatest ways to promote a book is with free publicity. It is not difficult to secure publicity if you know what you are doing. With all that is available on the Internet it’s even easier than ever. The fact is, many times your potential readers will pay attention to free publicity more than they do with paid advertising…especially when it comes to promoting a book.

There are ample opportunities to get publicity if you keep your eyes and ears open. Some authors make a feeble or one-time attempt at gaining publicity and if they don’t immediately get massive coverage they give up. They are under the mistaken notion that either they will never get free publicity by their own efforts. They either give up or they believe they have to hire a PR firm.

For someone on a limited budget, hiring a PR firm may not be a solution. The fact is, you can learn how to get publicity by your own efforts; and lots of it. You can literally get thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of free publicity if you know where to focus your attention.

Social networks are fast becoming a great way to get visibility thus creating the opportunity for publicity. Think of it this way; you become a reliable source in specific areas. People know they can count on you for great information. Over time, people turn to you as an expert. And some of those people may likely be in a position to give you exposure via the Internet through web radio, teleseminars, other social networks and blogs.

The key is to gain the mindset that you are a resource before you are a vendor. It is also to see how you can create win/win opportunities for others. Do that and publicity will be yours for a long time to come.

Kathleen Gage, The Street Smarts Marketer™, is an Internet marketing advisor who works with spiritually aware speakers, authors, coaches and consultants who are ready to turn the knowledge into money-making products and services. Visit http://www.kathleengage.com for free resources to build your online presence and credibility.

Allbooks Review is offering an Author’s Page, for $75 per year. You prepare your page to tell readers anything you like. Bio, book titles, where to purchase, link to website, etc. Include a photo of yourself, and a covershot for your books, one or ten+ it is up to you.

Each additional year is only $25. Get a full page ad that you can send your readers to. Just like having a website without the fuss.
Contact me at: allbookreviews@aol.com for details.

Remember to post your book signing, guest speaker events on our Bookstore page. Simply send us an email with details of your events and we will be happy to post them. Just part of the Allbooks service to our authors.

Success Stories
We love to hear of your success stories, submit them to us at: allbookreviews@aol.com


Dear Shirley,
I am writing to say thanks so much for the 2009 Allbooks Editors Choice award for 'WE ARE ALL ONE' in the Inspiration & Spirituality category. Since receiving your award there has been a noticeable increase in media interest in my work and I have been offered more radio and magazine interviews as well as creating a platform for a variety of other opportunities.

I was offered (and accepted) a publishing deal for my next book 'NAKED BEING', and I believe the Allbooks award of January 2009 played a significant role in that. My new book is published by O books and is due to be released in May 2010. It's already listed on Amazon.com:


To any budding writers out there, I highly recommend the professional and honest services offered by Allbooks and can personally vouch for the prestige and media interest which an Allbooks award can bring.

Thanks again Shirley, and all the very best for the future,

In peace and love, Jonathan ( J.M.Harrison author of 'WE ARE ALL ONE' and 'NAKED BEING'). www.we-are-all-one.net
I thought I’d fill you in on Robert Fates journey since I reviewed for the first Baby Shark stories. He’s still writing and is as good as ever. A while ago he sent me a pre-release copy of Baby Shark: Jugglers At The Border. It was excellent and entertaining as well. I’m not sure if you have followed him but Juggler’s was his fourth in the series. What is more interesting is that the original Baby Shark –is now being made into a movie. Robert Fate is published by Capital Crime.
Shirley A. Roe has released her third and final historical fiction in the Whittaker Family series, Return to Whittakerville. Copies can be orderedfrom: www.theebooksale.com or www.amazon.com.

Tip: As family and friends gather for the holiday season, pay attention to those stories and funny anecdotes. You might be able to use them in your next book! (Change the names, of course)

Allbooks Review Interview:
Please state your name and location. (city and State or Province, Country)

D. Wayne Dworsky
New York, New York, USA

Tell us the title and publisher of your book:

The Carpenter of Auguliere

Tell us about yourself:

I am an avid reader, writer, and reviewer

When was the book released?

The book was released August, 2006

Give us an overview of your book:

The Carpenter of Auguliere is the classic tale of good and evil, set in a far-away place in times past.

What inspired you to write this book?

The story came to me in a dream, driving me to recall tales my grandfather told from the “old” country.

How is your book different from other books in this genre?

Although my book is folklore, it has a modern aura.

Where can people buy your book?

The book is available from Amazon.com, Barns&Noble.com, Borders.com and from the distributor at Atlasbooks.com

Are you working on another book? If so when do you expect it to be published?

I do have a sequel in mind, but it has not found its way to paper yet. However, I have another book, a sci-fi, which is complete and looking for a market.

If you self published, what advice can you give to fellow writers?

Seek out the internet and exploit its options.

If published traditionally, tell us how you benefited:

Can you share one of your marketing successes with us?

Best marketing strategy is direct mail.

How did you find Allbooks Reviews and what are you hoping for in your relationship with us?

I found Allbooks Reviews by browsing Amazon.com. I am hoping for more exposure and discovery.

Was the low cost a surprise? What other things would you like Allbooks Reviews to offer writers?

Yes, I found the low price a pleasant surprise. I hope that Allbooks will continue to support writers and encourage them and give them hope for explosure.

Thank you for this interview and best of luck with your book.

Thank you. And I am honored to have the opportunity to share my view on writing.

Allbooks Review wishes to thank all of the authors that have made this another banner year for us. We are here to help you make the most of your book. Wishing everyone a very happy, healthy and prosperous new year for 2010.

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