Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 Newsletter

Allbooks Review Jan 2010 Newsletter
May 2010 be your best year ever !

Nominate us for a listing in Writer's Digest's 101 Best Sites
of The Year. Please send your nomination, along with our web
name Allbooks Review and our URL

to: Subject "101 Sites".

Thank you for all of your support.

ALLBOOKS REVIEW IS NOW ON iFOGO. Be sure and join the Albooks Review Author’s Group where we can share our success and our mistakes. Also join iFogo and get for free.


Suicidal Tendencies Mystery Garry Patrick

Capital Reflections Mystery/Thriller Jonathan Javitt

Beyond the Ordinary…and more Short Stories Authors: Haley Adams, Kirsten Bussiere, Leslie Crone, Michael Gertenschtein, Kanishk Goomer, Cletus Kim, Andra Popescu, Annecy Spencer, Guy Tzizis, Emily Wang, and Grace Xie under the direction of Emily-Jane Hills Orford.

Our Mother’s War Memoir Mel Fiske with Christina and Laurina Radich

Son of my Soul Memoir Debra Shiveley Welch

Your Health in the information Age Health Peter Yellowlees

City of Gardens Health P. Schnerch

Someone Stop This Merry-Go-Round Health Alberta Sequira

Shattered Reality Inspiration Kimberly Cheryl

Attitude: It’s not what you see It’s how you see Inspiration Ernie Carwile

For God and Country Fiction Daniel Reyes

The Judas Ride Fiction Peggy Sue Yarber, PhD

Demon Key Fiction David Brookover

Beyond Those Distant Stars Sci/Fiction John B. Rosenman

The Sarran Plague Sci/Fi AC Katt

Shipwreck of a Nation Spec. Int/History Peter Nennhaus

Clean Energy, Common Sense Spec. Int/Envir. Frances Beinecke w/ Bob Deans

The Step-By-Step Guide to Self-Publishing for Profit! Spec. Int/Writing
Pinheiro and Nick Russell

Congratulations to all of our nominees, Winners to be announced this month!!!
Just a reminder, your book is automatically included in the award program with the purchase of our promo package. The award is given to the authors that outshone the rest in their particular genre. Book Awards are a great marketing tool.

Success Stories
We love to hear of your success stories, submit them to us at:
Remember to post your book signing, guest speaker events on our Bookstore page. Simply send us an email with details of your events and we will be happy to post them. Just part of the Allbooks service to our authors.

The title of your Web page, and your page description are also important
to search engines. Use a title that has keywords someone might use to
search for your site. For example, if your book is titled Homemade Cookies
the Easy Way, you might choose the domain name

Allbooks Review Interview
Please state your name and location.
Alberta H. Sequeira
Rochester, MA 02770-1506

Tell us the title and publisher of your book:

Someone Stop This Merry-Go-Round; An Alcoholic Family in Crisis

Publisher: ISBN# 07-7414-5415-7; Infinity Publishing; 1094 New DeHaven St., Suite 100, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2713;

Tell us about yourself:
PUBLISHED AUTHOR: I’m the author of my second memoir (June 2009) Someone Stop This Merry-Go-Round. My first memoir is A Healing Heart; A Spiritual Renewal (November 2006) PublishAmerica.
SPEAKER: I’m a speaker on “The Affects of Alcoholism on the Whole Family.” I talk at rehabilitation centers, halfway homes and to the public. I also give speaking engagements on my spiritual changes relating to my first memoir

INSTRUCTOR: I also teach workshops “Bring Your Manuscript to Publication.”
I’ve been on numerous radio and Cable TV shows and have had write-ups in the surrounding newspapers.

When was the book released?
June 19, 2009

Give us an overview of your book.
Someone Stop This Merry-Go-Round is a very, deep emotional story of the author’s seventeen years living in an alcoholic family. Soon their security turns to confusion, fear, broken promises and abuse by Richie’s drinking. No matter what Alberta tried to do to keep her family together, it fell in tiny pieces. Richie died 1985 at 45 years of age at the VA Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island.

What inspired you to write this book?
I found so many people suffering with alcohol abuse and families falling apart from it. I wanted to share my life behind closed door with others living in the same dark hole. My desire was to help others see the light of hope; both the alcoholic abuser and family members.

How is your book different from other books in this genre?
This book hides nothing with the emotional and physical abuse. It’s an honest and realistic story with nothing omitted. It’s a rollercoaster of ups and downs with the good and bad. It shows the sober person who turns into a stranger from blackouts.

Where can people buy your book?;, and bookstores.
Order by ISBN 0-7414-5415-7

Are you working on another book? If so when do you expect it to be published?
I’m completing the sequel Please, God, Not Two; This Killer Called Alcoholism. It’s the continuation of our lives after Richie died. The author comes to realize that her daughter, Lori, is taking the same path as her father with alcohol abuse.
Hopefully, the sequel will be out sometime in the Spring of 2010.

If you self published, what advice can you give to fellow writers?
Work hard! Get as many reviews as you can, call newspapers to do a story on you and a write-up each time you have a book signings or special events. Build a trusting relationship with editors and producers. Do the same with local cable TV stations. Get seen and heard. The hardest job is getting your book(s) into bookstores. A traditional publisher usually gets an author’s book(s) into bookstores. Don’t depend on your publisher to get your book known.

If published traditionally, tell us how you benefited:
I wish I had a traditional publisher. I decided on self-publishing because I was already into speaking engagements at rehabs and halfway homes. The requests were starting to come for public speaking. I would still love to get a traditional publisher if the book starts to sell well.

Can you share one of your marketing successes with us?
I get interviewed with local newspapers, local TV stations, review from different countries, Magnificat, A Catholic Woman’s Ministry, libraries, etc. I was told by Steven Harrison, who is a promoter that a poor author depends on getting books in the bookstores and book signing. A rich author sees what else they have to offer with their talents. So, I started a workshop titled “Bring Your Manuscript to Publication.” In other words, get seen and known for more than just your book. I joined five other published authors and started our group called “Authors Without Borders” in May of 2009. We offer different services to bookstores, libraries and schools.

A successful marketing plan is when you see your books are selling in stores, online and your phone is ringing off the hook for speaking engagements. I’m still waiting!

How did you find Allbooks Reviews and what are you hoping for in your relationship with us?
Allbooks Review had been recommended to me by another author in 2006. I feel like family with Allbooks because they have done reviews on my first book A Healing Heart. I wouldn’t think about skipping their services with any book I may get published.

Was the low cost a surprise? What other things would you like Allbooks Reviews to offer writers?
It’s such a relief to see a professional site that offers services at a low price. Authors are struggling trying to get reviews, marketing plans or any other service so we can get our books out there.
Allbooks has many services right now and I can’t think of what’s missing. I would love to purchase more but I’m tied up with purchasing my two books to sell on my own, and working on a third (sequel). Money seems to disappear. Once the last book is completed, I’m going heavy on advertising and marketing.

Thank you for this interview and best of luck with your book.

Allbooks Review wishes to thank all of the authors that purchased our promo package in 2009, making this our best year ever. We have grown over the past 9 years and will continue to provide excellent service for reasonable fees. Our goal is to make your book sell !

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