Sunday, January 10, 2010

Entering the Age of Elegance

Genre: Self Help

Author: Chloe JonPaul

Blessed is the woman who affirms herself each day,
Blessed is the woman who zeroes in on qualities that will help her become.

Life is full of blessings. Perhaps that is one of the things we, women, seem to forget. We are the super-human beings who take care of others, organize others, run the household, cheer others on, and the list continues. When we reach that star-studded age of forty, we often wonder what happened. How could we have let those years of youth pass us by so quickly? What did we miss in the process? Well, at forty, we enter the age of elegance, the age of dignity, refinement and grace. We may see more gray hairs and wrinkles, and our energy level may be less than it once was; but, at forty, we have reached a time in which we can take care of ourselves first, as well as honor and pamper ourselves. We deserve this much. We have worked hard for the privilege of putting ourselves at the top of our personal to-do lists. What better way to start the next phase of living than to make a list of priorities that suit our needs and prepare for our future so that we can, in fact, age with elegance. It is not a time to moan lost youth. It is not a time to be afraid of the aging process. It is, however, a time to celebrate our successes and to enjoy ourselves, in short, to enjoy life.

Chloe Jon Paul is a retired educator. As a writer who has entered the age of elegance, Paul shares her experiences, her talents and her knowledge of how to grow old elegantly, with dignity, refinement and grace. Entering the Age of Elegance is Paul’s very positive step-by-step guide, which includes practical suggestions, resources for further study, and encouragement for all of us women who are thrust into this era without prior preparation. Although many of us may have role models - mothers, aunts, grandmothers, who showed us the way of living elegantly - most of us are often clueless and, quite frankly, frightened at the prospect of growing old, or, worse, growing old all alone. It can be done, though, and we can be a shining example of elegance for the next generation of elegant women.

Entering the Age of Elegance is a valuable resource with useful tips and resources to help the elegant over-forty woman age gracefully. Entering the Age of Elegance is highly recommended by: Emily-Jane Hills Orford, Allbooks Reviews.

Available at:
"Entering the Age of Elegance: A Rite of Passage & Practical Guide for the Modern Maturing Woman" ~ available at Amazon * Barnes & Noble * Borders

Author: Chloe JonPaul
Publisher: Two Harbors Press
ISBN: 978-1935097051
Pages: 133 pages
Price: $12.95 US
Nov 2009

Allbooks Reviews INTERVIEW:

Please state your name and location. (city and State or Province, Country)

Chloe JonPaulBowie, MD United States

Tell us the title and publisher of your book:Entering the Age of Elegance:
A Rite of Passage & Practical Guide for the Modern Maturing womanTwo Harbors Press

Tell us about yourself:
Chloe Jon Paul, M.Ed is a retired educator and writer of several published articles and a book entitled What Happens Next: A Family Guide to Nursing Home Visits…and More. Her many achievements include:
Title of Ms. Maryland Senior America 2003· Recipient of the Fulbright Fellowship Seminars Abroad award to South Africa, 1996
Volunteer internship during the 2005 Maryland legislative session as a Legacy Leadership Institute graduate
Lead facilitator for the Alternatives to Violence Project in prison and community workshops on conflict resolution for ten years
State representative for the National Family Caregivers Association’s caregiver community action network 2006-2008
Advisory board member: MD, Healthcare Commission and the Interagency Commission for Aging Services: Maryland Dept. of Aging
Hospice and homeless shelter volunteer
Coordinator for the Good Samaritan Project at her church
World traveler – all 7 continents

Chloe’s philosophy of life is: find a need and fill it. She is the proud mother of son, Dominic and daughter, Alessa. Her 3 grandsons are her greatest joy.
Chloe resides in Bowie, MD.
***Note: These accomplishments have taken place since the age of 50

When was the book released?
2009Give us an overview of your book.Thirty-eight million baby boomer women have already entered the Age of Elegance and more will follow; yet many of these 50+ women are making this journey without any real advance planning. Many of them don’t even think of themselves as “elegant” but this transition into the second half of their lives should take place with style and grace. Now think F-A-S-T: *format *approach *style *tempoThese are the key elements which make this book original. It is written as a travel guide filled with valuable information that will whet the reader’s appetite to explore resources in detail on the topics featured in the book. The Table of Contents provides such curiosity-evoking subtitles as Change Your “Oil Filter”, The FGA Quotient, The F-Word You Need to Use, The 10 Commandments of Aging Motherhood, Think MSN, Beyond Support Pantyhose, and Just Heard It Through the Grapevine. The author has networked with more than 25 leading women’s organizations across the nation.

What inspired you to write this book?
How This Book Came To BeWhile writing this book, I was inspired to present information in a format similar to the travel guides published by Fodor, Frommer, and Lonely Planet. These travel guides give up-to-the-minute information on how to plan your itinerary, what to pack, things to do, restaurant and hotel reviews, plus ratings for attractions of historical interest as well as photo opportunities. They even rate attractions that are “kid-friendly”. They also offer advice from knowledgeable travel experts.My philosophy of life is simple: find a need and fill it. This book is meant to be a gift to you, as you stand on the threshold of the Age of Elegance.There is already a magnificent potpourri of books on aging but what you will find within these pages is your own personal road map for a journey into what should and can be the most exciting time of your life. The idea for this book came about as a result of many conversations with women forty and older who really have no clue as to who they are. They have spent their lives being someone’s daughter, wife, mother, or a career woman with no identity outside her profession. Now, as they approach this phase of their lives, many of them desperately want to hang on to their youth while others succumb to aging the wrong way.

How is your book different from other books in this genre?
What makes this book different is basically the format since it is written as a travel guide with sections entitled Planning That Fabulous Journey,Entry Requirements, Currency Considerations, Luggage Check,Travelers Advisory, At the Boarding Gate,etc.

Where can people buy your book?
It is available online at Amazon, Barnes& Noble, Borders, and at my web site:

Are you working on another book? If so when do you expect it to be published?After having had two non-fiction books published, my plans for 2010 is work on getting my novel published. I have gotten great feedback on it, even being told that it has potential as a movie.

If you self published, what advice can you give to fellow writers?Do your homework! Compare what various companies offer. Above all,consider a company that offers distribution and fulfillment at a reasonable rate.

If published traditionally, tell us how you benefited:Can you share one of your marketing successes with us?
Using sell sheets, bookmarks, postcards, and offering a beautiful framed copy of "The Litany of Elegance"(which is found at the end of the book) as a bonus gift at book signings and presentations has paid off. I use the services of TU-VETS andVista Print.Most of all, networking is indispensable. The National Association of Baby Boomer Women sponsored an essay contest based on my book.

How did you find Allbooks Reviews and what are you hoping for in your relationship with us?
I found Allbooks Reviews by researching possible contacts on the Internet. I hope to continue working with you in a mutually beneficial way. I plan to begin teleseminars after the first of the year so perhaps we may be able to collaborate in some way.

Was the low cost a surprise? What other things would you like Allbooks Reviews to offer writers?
Yes, it was! I really need to think a bit more on the second question.

Thank you for this interview and best of luck with your book.

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