Friday, August 20, 2010

The Gatekeeper

Genre: Fiction
Author: C. Alease

“The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.” Flora Whitmore

At 54 years of age, the main character has what she considers a mundane life. In limbo, so to speak, not happy but not sad, suicidal thoughts but no attempt at action, only to return on the cycle, to become bubbly again. She examines her life with questions about why she always attracted the wrong man; why two failed marriages and another on the way out?
She has three grown children, one who is showing the same anger outbursts that she has herself. She has learned to live with it, he has not. Keeping up appearances is of vital importance, but she has always felt inside herself, that something is not quite right, never feeling quite ‘together.’
After listening to a co-worker, she decides to take her son to a therapist for anger management, opening the door to her own obscure past. Repressed memories, flashbacks of repulsively shocking events are revealed, which explain why her mind fragmented. Survival at any cost!
The steady stream of new personalities coming forward compels you to read on. Being intrigued by this complex personality disorder, each personality struggling with their own crisis, propels you to the intense climax. Who is real? Will a convergence happen? Which personality will survive the convergence ultimately existing as only one whole person?
C. Alease has made her author’s debut with a very thought provoking, insightful story. Her natural, flowing descriptive style leaves nothing to the imagination as you become part of the scenes, and her words carry you to the end.
Although born in New York City, NY, she was raised in Philadelphia, PA. She is married with three adult children with confidence toward her own goal, to become a full-time author.
Highly Recommended: Reviewer: Cheryl Heinrichs-Ellis, Allbooks Review
Available through, local book seller or the author herself

Title: The Gatekeeper
Author: C. Alease
Publisher: Bumblebee
ISBN-13: 978-1449552640
Pages: 207
Price: $19.99 USD
April 2010

Allbooks Reviews INTERVIEW: (Please put your answers in black)

Please state your name and location. (city and State or Province, Country)
C. Alease Smith, Philadelphia, PA USA

Tell us the title and publisher of your book:
The Gatekeeper, a Novel by C. Alease, published by Createspace

Tell us about yourself:

My “Don’t quit your day job” is as an Information Technology Manager. I hold a BS in Information Technology and have been in the business of computing for over 27 years. I am married with three adult children, one of whom is an outstanding actress named Amina Robinson, who just finished three years on Broadway in Mama Mia as Aly and played “Jermaine Hicks” in the movie, “Precious,” which won two Academy awards. I am looking forward to being a fulltime novelist.

When was the book released?

The Gatekeeper was released in paperback in November 2009. It was released in Kindle electronic format in October, 2009.

Give us an overview of your book.

The Gatekeeper is a novel about a woman who discovers that her life isn’t her own, but that it belongs to a number of different, distinct personalities wrapped inside her mind. She searches for and ultimately finds herself and her purpose, but it is definitely not what she expected.

What inspired you to write this book?

There were many life experiences of my own that I can say inspired me. What I decided to do was imagine a woman with similar experiences and fold into those experiences a unique character whose purpose was to have just those experiences. I wound up with about 8 distinct characters, one dimensional, each with a purpose. Then I imagined what it would be like none of the 8 characters “knew” who was supposed to be in charge.

How is your book different from other books in this genre?

I believe this book is different because of the way I describe the experiences throughout the story. I take the reader through each experience in such a way that they can feel the air in the sky, and they can see and touch the flowers in the vase on the round wooden table in the center of the room. They can smell the fragrance of lilacs in bloom by the window of the therapist’s office. The reader feels the torment of the protagonist as she is reminded of trauma in her past, as well as the humor and wit of the all the characters in the story. It’s that descriptive quality of the book that involves and holds the reader through to the end of the story.

Where can people buy your book?

The Gatekeeper is distributed worldwide through the Ingram Group. Because it is a “Print-on-Demand” (POD) technology novel, it can be ordered from bookstores that purchase through the Ingram Group, which include Barnes and Noble, Borders and others. The ISBN number is: 1449552641. It is presently available at Classics Books, 117 South Warren Street, Trenton, New Jersey,, 609-394-8400; Barnes and; in both paperback and Kindle; and Copies are also available through my website, Signed copies are also available by emailing and providing name, postal address and email address. For Facebook users, signed copies of the novel are available on the C. Alease Fan page, Storefront tab at!/pages/C-Alease/90340399803?ref=ts

Are you working on another book? If so when do you expect it to be published?

I am working on another book, and I expect it to be published in about a year or a year and a half.

If you self published, what advice can you give to fellow writers?

Yes, I did self-publish through Createspace, the self-publishing arm of My advice is, “read, research, read some more, and research some more. Find out what is acceptable formatting and page requirements for novels. Surround yourself with people who are similarly situated, through social networking services. Covet your contacts. Register your work with the Copyright office. Learn about literary predators; the agents and publishing houses to stay away from. Get your work professionally edited. Finally, you represent your work. Know that anything worth reading has been polished to a high gloss!

Can you share one of your marketing successes with us?

I recently began what I call “The Salon Tour.” Women in salons love to read good page turners while under the dryer, so my hairstylist and dear friend, Charlie Trendi gave me my first book signing at her salon. I wrote an article about it that you can read on my website:

How did you find Allbooks Reviews and what are you hoping for in your relationship with us?

I discovered Allbooks Review through my association with iFOGO Village, a networking website for serious writers and authors. My first desire was to get an honest, unbiased review of my novel. When I checked out the website, I discovered that Allbooks Reviews is a reputable site for authors to showcase their work. I am hoping to get readers of Allbooks Reviews to read my novel and to pass the word about it to others.

Was the low cost a surprise? What other things would you like Allbooks Reviews to offer writers?

The low cost was a pleasant surprise. I must point out that reviews by Allbooks Reviews are not fee-based, which drew me first. To me that ensures an unbiased, honest review of my work. The promotional fee is extremely reasonable. I would be very interested in the opportunity to talk about my novel on the radio with Allbooks Reviews. I’m not sure if that is offered at this time, but it is something I would like to do.

Thank you for this interview and best of luck with your book.

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