Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hitting the High Notes

Genre: Womens Fiction
AUTHOR: Nan D. Arnold

Maggie’s life is rather ordinary until she meets sexy-as-all-get-out ‘Stavros’ at a convenient store one afternoon and goes to his place for drinks.
Forgetting her purse when Stavros rushes her out the door starts a series of events for Maggie that leave her head spinning, especially once gorgeous Detective Bruce “Red” Herring enters the picture.
Forty-something Maggie finds her hot flashes increasing in number as she tries to figure out which green-sock-wearing guy is the one worthy of seeing her in her best lingerie.
Told with a similar humoristic style to Janet Evanovich and Sarah Strohmeyer, Hitting the High Notes grabs the reader with a lot of lively dialogue and non-stop action. With a protagonist who needs cold bursts of air to temper her hot flashes, the author has created an amusing, down-to-earth character that many Boomers will find themselves relating to.
Nan D. Arnold is a member of Romance Writers of America. Her novel-length work has finaled in several RWA chapter-sponsored contests and The PACIFIC NORTHWEST WRITERS ASSOCIATION’S annual literary competition, adult, and romance genres respectively. Five manuscripts later, Hitting the High Notes landed a contract.
The story itself is fun and entertaining, but hard to enjoy due to the vast amount of editorial issues. Hitting the High Notes is a good read. Reviewer: Lisa Haselton, Allbooks Reviews.
Will be available through in Feb 2010.

Title: Hitting the High Notes
Author: Nan D. Arnold
Publisher: Champagne Books
Dec. 2009

Allbooks Reviews INTERVIEW: (Please put your answers in black)
Please state your name and location. (city and State or Province, Country)
Hello, I’m NAN D ARNOLD and I live in coastal Georgia (USA)

Tell us the title and publisher of your book:
HITTING THE HIGH NOTES, published by Champagne Books

Tell us about yourself:
I’m a former ass’t purchasing agent before I became an indentured servant working for my husband’s firm (grin). Currently, I’ve taken a year off to write full time. I’m also doing the “for better, for worse, and for lunch” thing as my husband recently retired. Between his visiting children and their off-spring, herding three cats, and every woman’s routine, there’s little time for sleep if I want to write. But I do it.

When was the book released? February 1st 2010

Give us an overview of your book.
A mildly neurotic woman meets an AWOL opera star by chance who is posing as something he’s not. Uncharacteristically, she agrees to join him for a glass of wine at his place. Someone knocks on his door, spooking him, and he urges heroine, Maggie Duncan, out his back door. Miffed, she rounds the building to reclaim her pride and her purse which possesses an irreplaceable photo of her deceased mother. It’s not mystery man who greets her but an Amazon who claims no one other than “she” is there and knows nothing about any handbag.

Maggie wants that photo! Many want opera man returned home before he garners negative press. A cop enters Maggie’s romantic sphere as well. Along the way, both men help her re=learn that life’s a song and at the end she endeavors to hit all the high notes from here on. One man lays claim to her heart but Maggie has baggage, lots of it. However, after many ups and downs, things work out in the sequel, PESTO PACKIN’ MAMA, a contemporary romance.

What inspired you to write this book?
I asked myself what would Carl Hiaasen write if he were a woman on the brink of menopause. (Not that I’m in his esteemed league!!!)

How is your book different from other books in this genre?
Maggie is off-kilter and a woman of age for one thing and it’s not your typical women’s saga or sibling rivalry sort of women’s fiction.

Where can people buy your book?
Details are available at my website:
Or, they may check out Champagne Books website after February 1st.

Are you working on another book? If so when do you expect it to be published?
As previously mentioned, PESTO PACKIN’ MAMA, a contemporary romance is scheduled for release JUNE 1st 2010 by Champagne Books.

If you self published, what advice can you give to fellow writers?
If published traditionally, tell us how you benefited:

Writing the novel is only the first step on a long hard road. There’s promotion which takes up a l-o-t of time and the stress of coming up with other publishable works in a timely manner to contend with.

Can you share one of your marketing successes with us?
Not presently. I’ll see how sales fare then give you an answer (grin).

How did you find Allbooks Reviews and what are you hoping for in your relationship with us?
A fellow author buddy suggested review sites other than standard romance venues. Your organization was on that list.

Was the low cost a surprise? What other things would you like Allbooks Reviews to offer writers?
The price was reasonable considering the potential exposure. The expedited review (I submitted my novel shortly after Thanksgiving) was a plus.

Thank you for this interview and best of luck with your book.
Thank you, as well. May you and your readers have a happy, healthy, prosperous new year.

*Disclaimer on HomePage.

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